Letters of Recommendation

The following information may be needed for your college applications;

CEEB Code: 130440 (needed for college applications and SAT/ACT registration)
Name: Nampa Senior High School
Address Line 1: 203 Lake Lowell Ave.
Address Line 2: Nampa, ID 83686
Phone: (208)498-0551
Fax Main: (208)468-2829
Letters of Recommendation Best Practices 
    • Remember that all counselor/teacher recommendations are confidential and will be sent directly to the requesting campus. They are not returned to the student, nor seen by the student (department policy).
    • Seek out teachers/staff who know you on a personal level.  Provide a copy of your Brag Sheet information form to your recommender (download here).  Feel free to ask your recommenders to speak to certain topics, i.e. strengths you have shown in their class, a time when you struggled and overcame, a special circumstance that explains why your grade maybe wasn’t as strong as it could have been.
    • Give your recommenders plenty of lead time, i.e. thirty days (10 school days minimum). Clearly communicate due dates for each college.  If you are utilizing the Common Application or SENDEdu for your college applications then be sure to communicate that as well.  If you complete your FERPA section and the Recommender section when using the Common Application or SENDEdu, then your recommender will receive an electronic email with a login link to complete your letter of recommendation electronically.  
    • Is your FERPA waiver completed? This is required on Common Application, NCAA, and SENDedu as well as others. It is recommended that you Waive your confidentiality rights as a failure to do so may construe to colleges that your recommender may not have felt the freedom to comment honestly.     