Helpful Videos:

FAFSA Overview

Reading Financial Award Letters

Helpful Website:

Open Education Database

FAFSA is an acronym for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It is an application that U.S. citizens and permanent residents can fill out to see how much federal financial aid they qualify for to assist them in pursuing a college education. EVERY STUDENT'S FINANCIAL SITUATION IS DIFFERENT; therefore, there are different factors that may affect the amount of eligibility of financial student aid. If you are not ready to apply for federal student aid, but you would like to estimate your aid, visit www.fafsa.gov and click on "Thinking About College?" In FAFSA4caster, you can complete this easy online assessment to give yourself an early estimate of your eligibility for federal student aid.

  • It can only be completed on www.fafsa.gov. There are other sites that are very similar and will charge students to complete this FREE application.
  • If you have completed your FAFSA, you need to set up your student account at each of the colleges that you have applied to in order to view your student aid report. This is where you will accept/deny any aid offered to you. Please see me if you have questions about this process.
  • Pay attention to application and scholarship deadlines that are listed on the Career Center Events Calendar.

Useful Links:
FSA ID - Each student must create one of these to complete the FAFSA
FAFSA - Please use this link, as other links will charge to complete the application

Helpful Documents