Nampa High School Home

Proud To Be a Bulldog

We Are Nampa!
We are KIND!
We are NAMPA!

NSD at a Glance

  • 13,560 Spirited Students
  • 1,675 Committed Staff Members
  • 2,673 Dual Credit Courses Taken
  • 24 High-Quality Schools
  • 94 Square Miles of Superior Learning Facilities

Why Choose NSD?

Nampa School District is a district of choice, offering a wide range of open-enrollment options to meet the diverse needs and interests of our students. Whether you are looking for dual-language, STEM, arts, mastery-based learning, project-based learning, or a fully online education, we have specialized options that cater to every child’s unique learning needs. Our Focus Schools, which can be found on our website, provide an enriching learning experience that goes beyond the traditional classroom setting. 
You’ll also find a robust career and technical education program (CTE) that prepares students for success in the workforce and beyond. Through hands-on learning and real-world experiences, our students gain the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue careers in high-demand fields such as healthcare, technology, and trades.  
Overall, Nampa School District is committed to providing a comprehensive and engaging education to all students, regardless of their background or learning style.  

NHS's Strategic Vision


At Nampa High School we are:

A community of engaged individuals equipped with the knowledge and skills to be successful on their chosen paths.


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